Psychology paper on personality I want you to select one of the topics covered i

Psychology paper on personality
I want you to select one of the topics covered in the course, and learn more about it by reading the primary scientific literature (i.e. peer-reviewed studies published in scientific journals). For whichever topic you choose, you will have to read two peer-reviewed journal articles, and write a report that summarizes them and puts them into dialogue with each other. Here is what I mean:
Summary: For each article, you should summarize their theoretical framework. What is the big question they’re trying to answer? Then, what is their hypothesis – what do they predict, and why? Next, summarize their methods. What did they do to test this hypothesis? Next, summarize their results. What did they observe? Finally, relate these results back to the theoretical framework. Was the hypothesis supported? How do these results help answer that big question?
Dialogue: The two articles should be related to each other in some way, and you should comment on this relationship. They can support each other (e.g. maybe one was a follow-up to the other, or they’re providing different evidence in support of the same theoretical position, or maybe they’re even by the same researchers), or they can disagree with each other (e.g. maybe one was done to refute the other, or they’re providing evidence in support of opposing theoretical positions). Part of your summary should be describing the relationship between the two articles. Do the authors agree or disagree with each other? Are the results of the studies consistent or contradictory with each other? If the studies build on each other, how so? If you have opinions, feel free to weigh in. If the articles are in conflict, was one of the articles more convincing than the other? Why? If the articles are in agreement, what would be the next steps for this research program (i.e. what other studies would you want these researchers to do)?
How to find the articles: Keep in mind that the point of this assignment is less to search for articles as it is to read and analyze those articles thoughtfully. For that reason, I recommend that you use the course materials to point you towards your articles. You can look up the articles that are cited in the textbook or other readings, and you can use one article that you liked to point you towards a second article (either because article A cited article B, or vice versa). Articles typically discuss the other research that they are in dialogue with, so that’s a great way to find articles that are related to each other in some way.

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