Respond in a short memorandum addressed to your boss, Natalia Higuera, Executive

Respond in a short memorandum addressed to your boss, Natalia Higuera, Executive Director of RASA. Your memo should draw on what you have learned in this course about the potential for social and political change through litigation. Specifically, discuss Rosenberg’s criticism of the ‘dynamic court’ thesis and his arguments that courts are ill-suited for generating social change. Some questions you may wish to consider: Under what conditions, if any, is the court a viable agent for social change? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the courts – including both legal and extra-legal (persuasion, agenda-setting, legitimacy, etc.) forms of power. What are the dangers of reliance on the court? What are the advantages? Your paper must discuss Rosenberg and The Hollow Hope in depth, and may include any other course readings that seem relevant. You may also use outside sources, though these are not required and I encourage you to be judicious in their application.

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