Research Paper Topic (There is no credit for the Research Paper topic) Please se

Research Paper Topic (There is no credit for the Research Paper topic)
Please send the title of your paper and a short paragraph about why you chose your topic to Professor Harris via the Assignment dropbox.
Topic: The research paper will involve the student in exploring an issue related to dementia or to dementia care using the Webster library or its equivalent for reference materials.
Formatting: The paper will be 6-8 pages in length not including the required reference page. The paper will be submitted on time, in the correct format, corrected for spelling and grammar, and reference.
References: using current APA guidelines. A minimum of 4 references is required, not including your text. You are encouraged to use the Webster writing resources which can be found on your Blackboard.
Due Dates:
Topic Due: End of Week 3
Draft Due: End of Week 7
Final Paper Due: End of Week 8

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