Read the article, identifying the following information by highlighting the text and labeling it with a comment bubble Please identify only one item for each of the following:

Read the article, identifying the following information by highlighting the text and
labeling it with a comment bubble Please identify only one item for each of the following:
a. Journal information (name, date, volume/issue, page range).
b. Title
c. Author name and credentials.
d. Purpose statement.
e. Hypothesis.
f. Significant term.
g. Conclusion: what significant information was gained from this research?
h. Limitation(s).
i. Strength(s).
j. References
4. Write a brief reaction essay.
In 250–400 words:
a) Briefly summarize the main points of your article (what did you learn about
development during infancy?). Be sure to cite any information you include, and
provide a reference entry at the end of your essay.
b) Describe what you learned about how the scientific study of human
development is conducted.
c) Identify the skills or abilities involved in this assignment that will help you in
further uses of scholarly resources.
d) Include an APA-formatted title page and reference page.
Article That Is To Be Used :
Lucca, K., Pospisil, J., & Sommerville, J. A. (2018). Fairness informs social decision making in
infancy. PloS One, 13(2), e0192848-e0192848.

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