Read from page 432 (Data and Methods) to page 446. Write a three to four page pa

Read from page 432 (Data and Methods) to page 446. Write a three to four page paper answering the following questions:
1-Describe the strategy used in the classical experimental design (1 and 2, random assignment, treatment and control)
2-Describe the strategy used in quasi-experimental designs.
3- Explain the difference between classical and quasi-experimental designs.
4. Although the classical experiment assumes that random assignment will eliminate alternative explanations of finds ( threats to validity), in criminal Justice and criminology, because most of the experiments are conducted in natural settings, there are additional threat to the findings of experiments conducted in the field. For some of the more popular experiments in the discipline, such as mandatory arrest in domestic violence and proactive policing, illustrate some of these threats (application of the design by practitioner decision-makers, displacement, etc.)

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