Read and analyze the Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort case in your textboo

Read and analyze the Controls at the Bellagio Casino Resort case in your textbook.
Develop a detailed outline of the case. In your outline, address the following:
Focus on three key roles at mainly three levels of authority in the casino-blackjack dealers, pit bosses, and the vice president of table games. How would you characterize the “control strategy” (e.g., tight vs. loose) used over each of these roles?
Prepare a list of the controls described in the case. What control problems are they designed to address? Are the managers interviewed for the case justified in being proud of their company’s control system? Why or why not?
Are any of the control systems in place at the Bellagio Casino Resort suitable for firms in other industries?
By Thursday, make a post including your outline.
Read the postings by your classmates. Evaluate at least 2 of the postings on the validity of their position if the managers were justified in being proud of their company’s control system. Treat the position on if the managers were justified in being proud of their company’s control system as a conclusion (the first step in the critical thinking process). You are to complete the critical thinking process to determine if the conclusion is valid/invalid or weak/strong. Document each step of the process.

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