Q‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍UESTION IN THEORY THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL APPROACHES THE TREATMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS THROUGH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FACTORS ALL CONTRIBUTR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRES. IN REALITY HOWEVER THIS APPROACH STILL LOCATES THE REAL PROBLEM IN THE INDIVIDUAL’S BIOLOGY AS OPPOSED TO LOCATING THE CAUSES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS IN INEQUALITY OF POWER. DISCUSS DRAWING ON THEORIES AND RESEARCH EVIDENCE. 1: what empirical evidence suggest that Biological factors are implicated in causing mental illnesses 2: what empirical evidence suggest that psychological factors are implicated in causing mental illness 3: what empirical evidence suggest that the type of society we live in influences mental health. 1: BIOLOGICAL APPROACH ESSENTIALISM VERSUS SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM EVIDENCE TO USED ( 5 DSM ) ROSENHAN ( 1973) ON BEING SANE IN INSANE PLACES BIOMEDICAL MODEL EVIDENCE TO USED Revealed: Massive risen in antidepressant prescribing in an RTE INVESTIGATION. on being in inane places by Rosenhan ERVING GOFFMAN (1961) ERVING GOFFMAN (1968) UNIVERSAL APPROACH TO DIAGNOSIS AND LABELLING OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS.. 2: PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHES: Relational / Psychological Change a: Freud – trauma – catharsis – giving voice to trauma b: learning theories – systematic desensitization – ABA – Conversion Therapies c: Cognitive theories – CBT – REBT D: Humanistic theories – Person centred therapy / Maslow 3: SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACHES: Focus on the relationship between the individual and society. a: structural Consensus: Functionalism – Dunkheim – ANOMIE B: Structural conflict: Marxism – ALIENATION C: Structural conflict: Feminisms — Gender structures in society – what types of structures law and policies support equality? d: social Constructionism: Critiques accepted knowledge for example Bio medicine, explores impacts on Labels, Stigma and dehumanization. e: post Structuralism: Foucault’s analysis of power. f: Beck’s risk Society: Structured Risk and Epistemological fallacy. Structure versus Agency: Structure – Agency – Structuration theory (Giddens) use WEED to structure. What is your argument Example : theories underlying your position and opposing perspectives Evidence: does research on how to address inequality support theoretical position. Do: what are the implication of this evidence for social policy and legislation to address inequalities of power for sex worker /prostitutes STRUCTURE OF ES‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍SAY Introduction state what the crux of the issues for addressing mental health is based on your understanding of the essay question. state what theories you are applying to explore the essay question and what angle of the Bio. psycho-social model they are address. state what your overall argument is and cite the evidence that you are using to back up this argument. BODY 8 Paragraphs 1: BIOLOGICAL APPROACH PARA 1- ESSENTIALISM VERSUS SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM 2 – BIOMEDICAL APPROACH 2: PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH PARA 3 – FREUD 4 – LEARNING THEORIES 5 – HUMANISTIC TTHEORIES 3: SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH PARA 6 – structural Consensus: Functionalism – Dunkheim – ANOMIE 7 – Structural conflict: Marxism – ALIENATION 8 – Structural conflict: Feminisms — Gender structures in society – what types of structures law and policies support equality? 9 – social Constructionism: Critiques accepted knowledge for example Bio medicine, explores impacts on Labels, Stigma and dehumanization. post Structuralism: Foucault’s analysis of power. Beck’s risk Society: Structured Risk and Epistemological fallacy. * Used a paragraph each for the 8 THEORIES * For each theory used the WEED. PRIMARY SOURCE Books SOCIOLOGY: MAKING SENSE by Ian Marsh – latest edition From chapter 3 of Lifespan Development: 6th edition by Denise Boyd & Helen Bee EMPRICAL EVIDNCE TO USED FOR THE ESSAY 1: Disproven Chemical Imbalance Theory Leads To Worse Depression Outcomes – Open Excellence 2: Cognitive Theory and Therapy of Bipolar Disorders | Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening () 3: Should GPs be promoting antidepressants? – Medical Minefield – 4: Revealed: Massive rise in antidepressant prescribing () The purpose of this reading task is to help you to explore whether empirical evidence about the causes of mental illness (empirically supported aetiological theories) are impacting on treatment approaches in Ireland Humanistic Approach | Simply Psychology McLeod, S. A. (2015,December 14) Humanism. simply psychology A dangerous method? In defence of Freud’s psychoanalysis () 68308_Tinsley_Chapter_ () Rational emotional behaviour therapy ( REBT) Read this Article on the Rosenhan Study I need spac‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ing

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