Purpose This assignment introduces students to think through and compose a mana

This assignment introduces students to think through and compose a
management report identifying an issue at the workplace and proposing a
solution, or a possible recommendation. This is a group report, and each
student will prepare at least 6-pages double spaced answering a section
of the report in addition to graphics. Alternatively, students could
work the sections together and sketch the answers, but individual
students will write those sections as their own contributions. The
written report must be done in APA style. This is a team assignment with
2-3 students per team.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following
skills that are essential to your success in this course / in school /
in this field / in professional life beyond school:
MLO 6.2: Generalize research findings for analytical reports and organizational strategies.
MLO 6.3: Identify the report purpose and the problem that a report addresses to an audience.
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
understanding basic disciplinary knowledge and methods/tools
applying basic disciplinary knowledge/tools to problem-solving in a similar but unfamiliar context
judging/evaluating and selecting the best solutions
creating/inventing a new interpretation, product, theory
Students are free to select a topic from a real company or look into
the suggested contemporary topics ideas for the different fields in
business. This list is available at Business Topic Ideas for Research Papers(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Additional project details will be provided in class. The Business Proposal Report should include 10 credible secondary sources from
the CSULA online libraries as the reference list. References must be
written within the past five years (2016-2021) to support the
Sources must be cited as in-text and not simply listed in the
reference list. Wikipedia and website articles are not refereed sources
and will not be allowed.
Each student must write at least 6-pages discussing the report parts. On a double space page, there are 250 words approximately.
Although Times New Roman 12 inch font follows the American
Psychological Association (APA) 7.0 guidelines, students will use
Verdana 10-point for professional appearance and readability. The final
report must be run through Grammarly and will be analyzed by Turnitin
during the final copy submission.
Report Parts
The report must contain the following parts:
An APA cover page
A one page Executive Summary Letter – See book example – 1 page
A one-page introduction including the background of the study – 1 page
Two pages identifying the main topic business situation, why is it a
problem, what led to the problem, length of the problem, the population
and systems being affected, data evidence, and former attempts to
resolve it. It does not have to be a problem, but instead, you can frame
it as an improvement. – 2 pages
Two pages proposing two sub-topics and two solutions or
recommendations, one per sub-topic including a SWOT analysis discussing
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats by implementing
those solutions – 2 pages
Tables and charts are appropriate to demonstrate data evidence such as budget, staff, equipment, technology, etc.
Two pages as the final recommendation selection per two subtopics
suggesting the best options to management in terms of opportunities,
cost savings, expenses, and implementation time. This section also needs
to specify who in the leadership will be the user of record or owner of
the project – 2 pages
Conclusion page for the two topics selected identified individually– 1 page
Overall conclusion page for the report – 1-page
APA Level 1 and 2 headings
Mind map copy (Coggle) for mapping ideas
Ten or more references in APA Style and in-text citations
Grammarly score before and after revision
A table including the team names and specific areas of development
Each student must deliver 1,500 words in this report or 6-pages for each student (250 words per page double-spaced text)
The total report in pages is 17-20 pages double spaced including cover page, Executive Summary, reference list, and appendix.
Submission Format
The Business Proposal Report must be APA format
with 15-20 double-spaced pages in length with the elements specified
under the Report Parts Section. The APA cover page, references, and
appendix are excluded in that count.
Time Frame
Please see the syllabus for the due date. The estimated time to
complete this assignment is 10-15 hours. Students will be introduced to
this assignment 4-weeks before the actual due date to allow students to
understand the assignment’s requirements and have the topic approved at
least three weeks prior to delivering the assignment.
Criteria for Success Report
The finished report product will consist of the following.
An APA cover page
A one page Executive Summary Letter – See book example – 1 page
A one-page introduction including the background of the study – 1 page
Two pages identifying the main topic business situation, why is it a
problem, what led to the problem, length of the problem, the population
and systems being affected, data evidence, and former attempts to
resolve it. It does not have to be a problem, but instead, you can frame
it as an improvement. – 2 pages
Two pages proposing two sub-topics and two solutions or
recommendations, one per sub-topic including a SWOT analysis discussing
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats by implementing
those solutions – 2 pages
Tables and charts are appropriate to demonstrate data evidence such as budget, staff, equipment, technology, etc.
Two pages as the final recommendation selection per two subtopics
suggesting the best options to management in terms of opportunities,
cost savings, expenses, and implementation time. This section also needs
to specify who in the leadership will be the user of record or owner of
the project – 2 pages
Conclusion page for the two topics selected identified individually– 1 page
Overall conclusion page for the report – 1-page
APA Level 1 and 2 headings
Mind map copy (Coggle) for mapping ideas
Ten or more references in APA Style and in-text citations
Grammarly score before and after revision
A table including the team names and specific areas of development
Each student must deliver 1,500 words in this report or 6-pages for each student (250 words per page double-spaced text)
The total report in pages can be 17-20 pages double spaced including
cover page, Executive Summary, reference list, and appendix.

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