Purpose: To develop professional strategy, writing and presentations skills in c

Purpose: To develop professional strategy, writing and presentations skills in creating a strategy in response to the client’s brief.
Word limit: 2000 (10% latitude)
Instructions: The task is to write a strategic plan that allows the client to meet its objectives as outlined in the client brief. Students will conduct independent research and analysis to develop a strategic plan that includes:
An executive summary
A situation analysis
Strategy statement
Goals & objectives including SMART objectives
Key messages
Target publics
Communication pathways
Communication tools (tactics)
Timetable for implementation & budget
Evaluation & measurement
Presentation requirements: Students must present a high-quality professional report as either a word document or a pdf.
It should include a formal cover page, relevant images and/or graphs and a reference list. Additional content can be included in appendices including graphs, statistics and relevant research findings, but this is not mandatory. The reference list and appendices are not included in the word count.
Criteria for marking: The Public Relations Strategic Plan will be assessed on the following criteria:
Understanding of client’s needs, e.g. offers clear problem statement; identifies issue and its significance for client
Quality and relevance of research and analysis, e.g. reviews relevant scholarly literature, industry reports and data; offers relevant analysis; incorporates suggested feedback on client proposal
Quality of strategy developed, e.g. appropriateness of strategy to client needs; logical progression of ideas; clear and coherent narrative, themes and messages; strategy founded on quality research and analysis; addresses challenges/risks (including ethical issues) and appropriate solutions. References relevant theory to support recommendations.
Presentation adheres to the format for a professional PR strategic plan; offers clear executive summary; relevant key messages; SMART objectives; communication pathways and tools; evaluation & measurement strategies; inclusion of relevant images and graphs; use of appendices for additional information (as applicable);
Meets professional standards; quality of writing and expression; accurate punctuation and grammar; accurate referencing; adherence to word limit.

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