Purpose: Consider the definition of learning in your text: “…unlike instincts

Purpose: Consider the definition of learning in your text: “…unlike instincts and reflexes, learned behaviors involve change and experience: learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience” (Spielman et al., 2020, p. 192).
Analyze and apply this definition to situations with both sea lions and humans.
Sea Lions: Using the words and ideas from your chapter text (see term list below) what kind of teaching might be used to achieve this sea lion “singing” Gnarls Barkley? What kind of learning terms apply here? Explain in the first part of your post how teaching a sea lion to “sing” Gnarls Barkley would work, and be sure to use several terms in your explanation. Don’t just explain what you see; explain how the animal was trained to do this, preferably in a step-by-step process (again, an outline format may work well here).
Humans: For the second part of your post, apply your explanation about sea lions to how you might improve or “teach” yourself (or another student, if that’s easier to think about) to have better study habits. Explain your proposed step-by-step process. Are you using the same terms? Additional or different terms?
Consider how looking at one situation helps you looks at the other – how are they similar/different?
Here is a partial list of useful terms related to learning that you can apply in your post. You don’t have to use all of them, and be careful not to confuse the different types of learning.
Please do NOT use observational learning/modeling; I have friends who have worked with sea lions, and this could not be taught using that technique.
Associative learning/Classical conditioning
Higher-Order or Second-Order Conditioning
Spontaneous Recovery
Stimulus Discrimination
Stimulus Generalization
Behaviorism/Operant Conditioning
Positive and negative reinforcement
Positive and negative punishment
Primary and Secondary Reinforcers
Continuous and Partial Reinforcement
Fixed and variable intervals and ratios
Here are some tips on how to write a good discussion post. Make sure to cite all information that isn’t common knowledge (When to cite), include a reference section that includes all sources you used and cited from, and use proper APA style. Make sure you paraphrase properly (See here and here) or quote properly. Your text is a great place to see proper APA style–and as an example, here’s how your text should be listed in your reference section:
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020). Psychology 2e. OpenStax. https://openstax.org/details/books/psychology-2e
and here’s how to cite it: (Spielman et al., 2020) <--add a page number for direct quote Criteria on which you will be graded: Your understanding and analysis of the topic. You've included learning terms from the list above or elsewhere in your chapter text, used them accurately, and cited your sources correctly. You've substantively and respectfully responded to at least two of your classmates' presentations by the due date. HERE IS VIDEO https://youtu.be/Pny0rAjwLhM

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