Prompt: In this milestone, using the problem you formulated, you will complete y

Prompt: In this milestone, using the problem you formulated, you will complete your system models and your problem analysis. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 
I. System Modeling
A. Develop causal loop diagrams that apply to the case with at least 20 causal factors to illustrate. Be sure to use appropriate symbols that clearly display the information in graphic form. 
B. Develop stock and flow diagrams that apply to the case with at
II. Problem Analysis 
A. Apply system archetypes to your case in order to better understand the problem. Illustrate your selections using specific examples. 
B. Identify the extent to which there have been previous attempts at solving this or related problems. To what extent was systems thinking applied in the previous attempts? What can be learned from them? 
C. Identify the extent to which there are analogous problems or situations that contribute to your understanding of this case. What insights can you glean from these similar cases? 
D. Using a systems thinking approach, characterize the true nature of the problem as you see it. In other words, to what extent is there a “problem behind the problem”? Cite specific evidence to support your conclusion.
Guidelines for Submission: Your second milestone should be submitted as a 3 Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All sources used should be cited in APA style.

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