Professional Association Membership Brief introduction goes here. The purpose of

Professional Association Membership
Brief introduction goes here. The purpose of this paper is to…
About the Selected Professional Organization
In paragraph/narrative format, address the following in this section:
• Describe the selected organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area.
o Include the organization’s purpose, mission, and vision.
o What are the benefits (“perks”) of being a member?
• In-text citations are needed for support in this section.
Networking Opportunities in Professional Association
In paragraph/narrative format, address the following in this section:
• Why is it important for a nurse in this specialty field to network?
• Describe how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses.
• In-text citations are needed for support in this section.
Keeping Members Informed
In paragraph/narrative format, address the following in this section:
• Discuss how this organization keeps its members informed of health care changes to practice that affect the specialty area.
• In-text citations are needed for support in this section.
Opportunities for Continuing Education and Professional Development
In paragraph/narrative format, address the following in this section:
• Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development.
• In-text citations are needed for support in this section.
Include a brief conclusion here that is 4 to 5 sentences in length. The conclusion should summarize your paper.

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