Prewriting and Planning Instructions Prewriting and planning are essential to wr

Prewriting and Planning Instructions
Prewriting and planning are essential to writing an effective essay, so for this week’s assignment, you will complete the prewriting and planning steps of the process for developing the Profile Essay. To complete the prewriting assignment, you will submit one document (using the Profile Essay Prewriting and Planning Template) that includes ALL of the following:
Answers to the prewriting questions (40 points).
A complete outline of your essay (60 points).
Do not submit a rough draft!
IMPORTANT: Read Bill Mitchell’s (2002) article “Hearts and Guts: Writing the Personal Profile” prior to completing this assignment. Mitchell’s (2002) article mentions a full-life profile. Your essay should focus on a shorter period of time, as stated in the Profile Essay Instructions.
If you have any doubt about how to research and write a paper in APA Style, use the resources available in the Hondros College of Nursing Library:
APA Formatting Template
APA Style In-text Citations and ReferencesI have any essay coming up for English 205…. I need an English teacher or writer with a lot of experience writing Prewriting/Planning for Profile Essay
Make sure that your essay is correctly formatted in APA style! The essay must be a minimum of 1,000 words (excludes the cover page).
But I have an outline that goes along with it
I need questions and outline done by this Wednesday and Essay by Sunday
Though your Profile Essay is not due until week 9, you will be completing the prewriting and planning portion this week. Review the Profile Essay Instructions. It’s valuable to see the “big picture” for a better understanding of what you are going to be creating throughout this process.
In this attchment is where the questions are and the outline template to follow

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