Please write the main Discussion Board in about 400 words. I will attach the ins

Please write the main Discussion Board in about 400 words. I will attach the instructions for this called “Main DB instructions.” This is due no later than Wednesday the 17th. Once I submit the main DB, I will upload two students’ posts that you will need to reply to with two sentences. I will attach the instructions on how to reply to the students called “Response to classmates.” My teacher might reply and ask another question so if he does this I will need you to reply in about 2 sentences. The replies to the classmates and teacher are due Sunday the 21st. this should total 550 words. There are two parts to this Discussion Board. I have uploaded them separately labeled Part 1 and Part 2. I have been having multiple problems with writers not understanding the replying to the other students. If you read the attached instruction, it will tell you how to reply. Please include 1 resource from the book Larson and 1 from another source. I have attached all reading material for Chapters 7 & 8. If you have any questions, please let me know. Here are some links for this assignment you might need for reading material.

12. Budget Planning

11. Resource Planning

16. Risk Management Planning

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