Please write a detailed report (use the guidelines in our textbook) on the steps

Please write a detailed report (use the guidelines in our textbook) on the steps to becoming a Texas CPA and discuss, among other items (this is the bare minimum requirements!!!!!):
· The requirements and steps to become a Texas CPA;
· The requirements to apply for and sit for the Texas Uniform CPA Exam (including the educational
requirements to sit for the Texas Uniform CPA Exam);
· The topics the Texas Uniform CPA Exam covers and the structure of the exam;
· The rules, sites and testing windows under which you can take the Texas Uniform CPA Exam;
· Courses and options that are available to you to help you study/prepare for and pass the Texas Uniform
CPA Exam (other than coursework in classes taken to meet the educational requirements) ; and,
· The additional requirements to become a CPA in Texas once the Texas Uniform CPA Exam has been
· Footnotes and bibliography are mandatory.
· Appendixes are encouraged.
· Conciseness will be rewarded.
As in your prior Written Assignments, please single space your report using Arial 12 point font and 1” margins. Please be sure and have an Introductory Memo, a Title Page, a Table of Contents, an Executive Summary, an Introductory paragraph (telling us generally what you are going to tell us), the body of the paper (please write the report following the requirements below as your reference points/reporting headings), a Concluding Paragraph (summarizing the report/telling us generally what you told us), a Bibliography (with at least 10 distinct sources of references), and be sure and use footnotes (at least 10 showing where you found information – more are encouraged!). And include Appendix as appropriate. *
For this paper, your Executive Summary should give your reader all the key information in the report, the body of the Report should contain complete/detailed information and examples, and the Appendix should contain lists and other resources. As an example on your upcoming CPA report: your Executive Summary would tell your reader that you take the CPA Exam by signing up at Prometrics and going to one of their locations. The body of the Report would say this as well as tell how to contact Prometrics and mention that there are four locations in the Houston area. The Appendix would have a list of Prometric locations in Texas.

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