Please write (275 words) in addition to the information provided as a argumentat

Please write (275 words) in addition to the information provided as a argumentative essay.
Claim 2 – Furthermore, it is strongly believed that hanging should not be resumed in Jamaica because it is ineffective in deterring crime.
Point 1. Based on social science research, it is evident that death penalty states do not have lower crime or murder rates than states that do not have such laws.
Point 2. Given the uncertainty surrounding the death penalty’s impact on crime, it’s vital to consider whether life without parole sentences have a deterrent effect. After all, no one claims that people who commit murder should be absolutely free of punishment.
Point 3. The death sentence has been shown in research to be ineffective in deterring crime and is also exceedingly costly to implement. While the vast majority of people in prison — whether they are on death row or not – are guilty, we cannot take the chance of murdering those who were unfairly convicted and condemned to death.

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