PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING BOOK/REFERENCE. The Developing Person Through Childhood

The Developing Person Through Childhood –Berger 8th Edition 978-1-319-06164-7
You must cite page references from assigned required text for each of your answers.
Unit 15
Learning Objective
1. Discuss the effects of television and the media on a child’s development.
2. Identify the various categories of child maltreatment, and discuss several factors that contribute to its occurrence.
3. Discuss the consequences, prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, including the concept of differential response.
4. Discuss permanency planning including foster care, kinship care, and adoption as long-term intervention options in cases of child maltreatment.
5. Discuss the impact of punishment on a child’s development and describe alternative methods for disciplining a child.
Unit 16
Learning Objective
1. Describe normal physical growth and development during middle childhood, and account for the usual variations among children.
2. Discuss the problem of childhood obesity and its potential effects on a child’s physical and psychological health.
3. Identify the major causes of obesity, and outline the best approaches for treatment.
4. Discuss other common health and biological problems of the school years, focusing on their causes, treatment, and impact on development.
5. Describe motor-skill development during the school years, focusing on variations due to gender, culture and genetics.
6. Outline the developmental psychopathology perspective, and discuss its value in treating children with special needs.
7. Discuss the characteristics and possible causes of learning disabilities.
8. Describe the symptoms and possible causes of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD).
9. Discuss the types of treatment available for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
10. Describe techniques that have been tried in efforts to educate children with special needs.

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