Please make sure you read my instructions carefully and open all the files immed

Please make sure you read my instructions carefully and open all the files immediately and let me know immediately if anything is not working or you are confused about the instructions so I can fix it. Don’t come and ask me at the last moment if anything is not opening because I don’t open this website til the due day and I also got other work so it’s important and on u to let me right away.
Meet Police Offers Trained to Respond to Mental Illness Calls

How Memphis has changed the way police respond to mental health crises

Discretion and the Mentally Ill.pdf
Atthed in the file
Crisis Intervention Team Response.pdf
Attached in the file
Part one
How did you feel about what you saw in the CIT (San Antonio) video?
If you could, how would you organize a police department to better respond to individuals in mental health crisis? Would you choose this or the Memphis model?
How would you balance all the other demands made on the police along with dealing with people in mental health crisis, such as community policing, 911 calls, investigations, etc.?
Part 2
I need u to respond to my classmate me in
2,3 sentences in my other order like u did last time

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