Please first review the documents attached group report, Chapter 15 and the rese

Please first review the documents attached group report, Chapter 15 and the research paper in order to modify the paper. Please follow the following steps:
1) Review the Commercial Environment part in the report and then in page 5 (THE CHOSEN COUNTRY), briefly state what is the best country between Rwanda and Tanzania to invest in and justify why.
2) Review The PPT attached for Mode of Entry and change the analysis in page #8 (Mode of entry) to reflect only (Collaborative or Non-Collaborative) mode of entry and justify why, no need for exports “500 words only”.
3) For Pages #9&10 please modify the (Corporate Social Responsibility) and (Ethics and Legal Standards) to reflect CRS and Ethics policy intended to pursue in the chosen country “300 words”.
4) For the Conclusion, Reflect what you adjusted in the report in the conclusion.
5) Please adjust the citations using APA style and add more citations if needed.
6) fix any plagiarism in the report if found.
*** Please contact me for any clarifications needed as this is really urgent. I appreciate your help. Thank you.

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