Please answer the following 2 questions in a maximum of 4 double-spaced pages ea

Please answer the following 2 questions in a maximum of 4 double-spaced pages each (references can be on a 5th page if needed). Use 12 point font, number your pages, include references at the end of each question, and use appropriate APA formatting. No cover page is needed but make sure your name appears in the header for each page. Please start each question on a new page. Please upload as ONE WORD DOCUMENT. I do not expect you to use sources outside of your class readings.
Engage in a careful, thorough and critical analysis. Your response will be evaluated taking into consideration the following:
Does your response reflect a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the literature assigned to this point in the semester?
Does your response reflect the ability to apply the literature to the practice of student affairs?
Is your response written clearly and concisely using appropriate spelling, grammar, and APA?
Please answer the following questions below.
Question 1 (10 points)
The student affairs profession has been and continues to be shaped by a number of influential documents that have been used to guide the field’s practice. These documents are also regularly revisited and updated to reflect the changing higher education and social landscape. Choose two of the key foundational documents of the student affairs profession:
SPPV 1937
SPPV 1949
Student Learning Imperative
Principles of Good Practice
Learning Reconsidered I
Learning Reconsidered II
Briefly summarize each document, describe the ways in which each document was shaped by changes in society, and in turn how each influenced the development of the student affairs profession of today.
Question 2 (15 points)
You are the Dean of Students of an urban, public PWI with 15,000 students in the northeast United States. The student body on your campus is known for being politically active, though there is no single pervading political ideology in the community. However, tensions have been high due to the current national and state political climate.
The Director of Student Activities informs you that the leaders of Students for Action have submitted all of the necessary paperwork to bring G. Smith, a highly controversial speaker, to campus for an event scheduled next week. In addition to contentious political views, Smith is well known for inflammatory opinions on sexual violence, religion, and race. In particular, Smith made recent comments that rape culture is a myth, Critical Race Theory should not be a part of our schools, and that mandating a vaccine will kill our country.
News of Smith’s upcoming visit quickly spreads, and it incites outrage among some students, faculty, and staff. The University President receives petitions from the Islamic Students Association, Women’s Center staff and student leadership, the Black Student Union, and the Faculty Senate requesting the cancellation of the event. Other community members, including several influential faculty and alumni, write the President in favor of the event, and in support of free speech. Others take to social media to note their support or opposition to the event.
The next day, you wake up to a phone call from the Campus Police Chief. She informs you that the police have been notified of, and are investigating, several death threats made towards Smith and Students for Action leaders on Herd, an anonymous social media app. She requests that a police detail be assigned to the event, and she expresses her general reservations about Smith’s visit.
When you arrive on campus, you are greeted by the Director of Student Activities, who informs you that several student groups have submitted the appropriate paperwork to hold protests outside of the Smith event. They are worried that the interactions between protesters and Smith supporters will become violent.
Shortly thereafter, you receive a call from the University President. She notifies you that she is convening an emergency meeting to discuss the Smith event. You learn that, in addition to your communication with the police chief and Director of Student Activities, reporters have been contacting the President’s Office and Media Relations staff about the controversy. She asks you to prepare a recommendation on how to move forward with the event, including to consider whether it should be cancelled.
Based on your knowledge of multiculturalism, legal issues, crisis response, and ethics in student affairs:
Describe the issues involved in this case
Describe your recommendations and action steps. Identify specific remedies (both short- and long-term) for each of your issues, and ground your proposed solutions from readings this semester.
What specific competencies are needed to be able to respond appropriately to this case?

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