Part 1: Resources for Professionals and Families Your presentation is almost com

Part 1: Resources for Professionals and Families
Your presentation is almost complete. For this assignment, you will create conclusion slides wrapping up your presentation on the disability you selected.
Create 3-4 additional slides for your presentation. Add these slides to the PowerPoint document you created in the previous course project assignments. In these additional slides, provide information on the following:
Include at least one slide that provides informative resources educators can access in the future for more information.
Also include at least one slide with suggestions on how educators can share this information within in the community.
Cite your sources where appropriate throughout your slides and add your references to the reference slide at the end of your presentation. Format your research sources and your reference slide in APA format.
Remember, in your presentation, you are sharing knowledge with your co-workers so they will be prepared to work with this disability in the future. Make sure that your slides look professional and that you have checked for spelling and grammar errors.
Part 2: Letter to Families
Now that you understand the process of creating an IEP/IFSP, assume that you are responsible for working with the family of a child with your selected disability.
To complete this part of the assignment, write a TWO-page letter you would send to the family prior to their first IEP/IFSP meeting. This will help you practice communication with families about the special education services their child may be receiving. You always want to show the family that you understand their child’s individual needs and are available as a family support.
Be sure to include the following in your letter:
Information about the process
Your support for the family
Their role and your role
Include 2-3 links to family focused resources that will help families with their child’s specific disability. Share why you think these resources would be helpful to families.

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