Parenting Action Plan should be about 1800-2000 word in length and follow APA st

Parenting Action Plan should be about 1800-2000 word in length and follow APA style (7th edition). Be sure to use in-text citations and include a reference list.
Statement of the problem: A statement of the key issues that must be explored in order to resolve your case study.(This can be the same as the statement in your research essay)
Incorporation of at least 10 credible sources from within the past 10 years that can be used to support a parenting action plan. At least 5 of these sources must be scholarly social science research articles, and at least 3 of the sources must have been published within the last 2 years.
*Incorporation of parenting or developmental theories to provide a framework for the proposed action plan.
*Description of potential sites of impact (Step 6 of the Planning Table).
*Identify an action plan grounded in research that may address concerns posed by the case study (Step 7 of the Planning Table).
Correct use of in-text citations and corresponding reference list (APA 7th edition).
Use of APA 7th edition format (1” margins, standard font, double spacing, page numbers, etc.).
Demonstration of strong writing skills.

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