Paper Topics for Romans I. Background: A. Roman Culture: 1) Cities in the Rom

Paper Topics for Romans
I. Background:
A. Roman Culture:
1) Cities in the Roman Empire
2) Mystery Religions
3) Jewish People in the Roman Empire (Diaspora)
4) The Emperor Claudius
5) The Emperor Nero
6) Food and Dining in Rome of the First Century
B. The Church
1) First Century Churches—Christians in Roman Cities
2) Paul as Missionary
a) Methods/Goals
3) The Church at Rome
II. Doctrine
A. Justification by Faith Alone
B. The nature and extent of Sin
C. The “Old Man” in Romans
D. Abraham, in Romans and in James
E. Jacob and Esau: Individuals or Nations?
III. Key Terms
A. “Faith” in Romans
B. “Righteousness” in Romans
C. Doxologies in the book of Romans (Praise of God)
1) “Peace with God” in Romans 5:1 compared to “Peace” in other Romans passages and in Philippians4:7 and in I Corinthians, Ephesian2:14 Col 1:20, and 2 Thessalonians 3:16.
D. Psalms in Romans 3:10-18d
IV. Exegesis papers (Choose to exegete any of these passages.)
Romans 1:19-21;
Romans 3:21-25 or 21-31;
Romans 4:13-25;
Romans 5:1-8, 6-8, 15-20;
Romans 6:15-23;
Romans 7:14-25;
Romans 8:1-17, 18-39, 26-27, 28-30 33-39;
Romans 9:1-5, 8-24;
Romans 10:5-12;
Romans 12:1-2, 3-8, 12:9-16, 17-21;
Romans 13:1-7, 8-10;
Romans 14:1-10, 13-23.
V. Paul’s use of the Book of Isaiah in Romans

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