PAPER TEMPLATE AND GUIDLINE/RUBRIC ATTACHED IN TEXT CITATIONS A MUST REFERENCES MUST BE WITHIN THE PAST 5 YEARS Practice Problem (PATIENT FALLS ON MEDSURG/CARDIAC FLOOR) State the practice problem in measurable terms and that reflect quality indicators. Include data that suggests a practice problem exists. Do not use anecdotal experiences or opinions. Provide the rationale for selecting the practice problem. Complete a review of current nursing evidence for your practice problem. To develop a plan for your quality improvement project you will need to find out what interventions have been successful when applied to your practice problem. The evidence-based process is a problem solving approach where you will assess research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information and incorporate the results into your quality improvement project. Search for a minimum of five evidence-based sources related to your practice problem. You must include two-three research studies in your review. Synthesize in your own words the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. For example, if your practice problem is reducing patient falls, you will summarize what the evidence you have found has to say about falls and how researchers have identified interventions that promote a decrease in the number of patient falls. In this example, the evidence will likely show that hourly rounding, non skid slippers, a fall risk assessment and low beds are all interventions that the research has shown to improve patient outcomes related to falls in a healthcare setting. Summarize the findings from AT LEAST FIVE (5) evidence-based sources that support your practice problem. The goal of the analysis of existing evidence is to find the best evidence possible that support a change in practice. Identify research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information and incorporate the results into your quality improvement project. YOU MUST INCLUDE TWO-THREE RESEARCH STUDIES IN YOUR ANALYSIS Using your own words synthesize the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. There should be no quotes or personal opinions included in this section. SUMMARY OF ASSIGNMENT: Practice Problem State the practice problem in measurable terms and that reflect quality indicators. Include data that suggests a practice problem exists. Do not use anecdotal experiences or opinions. Provide a purpose statement including the importance of improving patient outcomes. Analysis of the Existing Evidence Summarize the findings from the evidence analysis that support your practice problem. Include minimum of at least 5 evidence-based practice sources that support your practice problem. Identify research, clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and other relevant information. You must include two-three research studies in your analysis. Using your own words synthesize the evidence that supports your identified practice problem. There should be no quotes or personal opinions included in this section. Quality Improvement Process (Approximately 2-3 paragraphs) Describe the quality improvement process and the quality model that will be used. This is not your entire quality improvement plan, only a description of the quality improvement process and the quality model you chose. Include a description of a quality improvement tool(s) that you will use in your quality improvement plan. Explain why the specific process was selected and document your explanation with references. Conclusion

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