Paper should be an analysis of theories and research in psychology investigating

Paper should be an analysis of theories and research in psychology investigating sex differences in a <
particular aspect of behavior (choose one of the following topics): 1) sex differences in sexuality; 2) sex differences <
in aggression; or 3) sex differences in personality. Your paper should include at least one major theoretical <
approach to understanding sex differences in behavior, and descriptions of at least one empirical <
research study** investigating sex differences in behavior. Your article should focus on questions that are relevant <
to the particular theoretical approach you are taking. You may use other sources for your paper like your textbooks <
or other psychology texts. Your paper should follow the outline below (approximately):<
I. Introduction<
A. Introduce your topic and discuss what is generally known about differences between the sexes on <
that particular behavior.<
B. Introduce major theoretical approach, and discuss explanations for sex differences provided by <
that theory (e.g., social role theory argues that men and women adopt different personality traits <
b/c of different role requirements; evolutionary psychology theories argue that men and women <
take on different responsibilities to maximize reproductive success and survival; social learning <
theory argues that roles are learned through modeling of behaviors observed in others; etc.).<
II. Research<
A. Discuss your research article in terms of the following:<
1. What is the specific purpose of the current study (i.e., how does it contribute to an understanding <
of the phenomena being investigated)? What are the specific hypotheses that are tested in the <
study? What variables are being investigated, and how are they operationalized?<
2. Describe the Methods used in each study, including:<
a. Participants. Provide the number, type, mean age, sex breakdown, and any specific or unusual <
b. Measures/Materials/Apparatus. Provide descriptions of operationalized variables (i.e., what are <
the measures or procedures used to define the variables of interest). <
c. Procedure. Provide specific descriptions of procedures followed in data collection, including <
random assignment of participants, research protocols, etc.<
3. Describe the Results of the study, specifically if hypotheses were confirmed or disconfirmed. <
What general conclusions are drawn by the researchers? Describe how the current results fit or do <
not fit with the findings of previous research. Do the current results add anything unique or <
important to understanding of the phenomena in question? [please note you do not have to report <
results of statistical tests; describe main results in words]<
III. Personal evaluation/experiences<
A. In one or two paragraphs, summarize your opinion of the research studies you reviewed, as well as <
the research findings in general on sex differences in the behavior you are investigating. Discuss <
which theoretical approaches (if any) you think provide the best explanation for sex differences.<
B. Describe your own experiences with sex differences in the behavior you are investigating, <
including whether your experiences are similar to those indicated by research.<
*Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, with 1” margins on all sides (font size 12). Your paper must contain a <
minimum of 8 pages of text; it should not exceed 14 pages of text. Please include a title page and a Reference page <
with all of the sources/articles you cite in the text.<
**Empirical articles are those that report data collection and analysis; important journals in psychology are Journal <
of Personality and Social Psychology; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Psychological Science; Journal <
of Applied Psychology; Sex Roles; Psychology of Women; Developmental Psychology; Child Development; <
Personality and Individual Difference; etc. PSYCHINFO database is the best way to search for articles on your <

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