OUTLINE DUE 11/08 RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT DUE 12/03 Research Assignment Requirements

OUTLINE DUE 11/08 RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT DUE 12/03 Research Assignment Requirements for Research Assignment MLA format will be used for the research assignment. NO COVER SHEETS Format SUBMIT AS ONE DOCUMENT TO ENSURE PAGE BREAKS, SAVE AS A PDF Outline—250 to 500 words Research Paper · Use formal Roman numeral format Paper—1200 to 3000 words Introduction (THESIS GENERATOR) Body Conclusion · Ten (10) to twelve (12) size font with simple script · All text is double-spaced. · No fewer than five in-text citations (MLA format) List of works cited—1 page · Use MLA format outlined in your handbook · List five (5) sources minimum Proquest Central (Los Angeles Public Library), Gale Central (Los Angeles Public Library), Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints (Los Angeles Public Library), Opposing Viewpoints (LASC), eBook Collection (EBSCO Host) (LASC), LINK TO LIBRARY WEBSITES ACROSS LOS ANGELES Research Topics –choose from one of the topics listed below. Refer to CANVAS for topic updates and helpful links. Thesis. Supporting ideas. Suffering“Sonny’s Blues” helps us to understand the various ways people experience pain and suffering. As a musician and artist, Sonny tries to make known the pain he sees around him. The narrator, on the other hand, denies his own pain and hardship, and that of those around him. But when he is finally forced to see it, he begins to understand Sonny as both an artist and as a recovering addict. What role does suffering play in the story? Think about: What is the narrator’s understanding of suffering? Does that change as the story progresses?How does each brother take on the subject of suffering? Addiction? Provide examples from the text to support your point of view. Ethnic Newswatch (2) Literature (Gale) (3)Literature Resource Center (Gale) Search words/phrases: “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin, existential meaning of pain and suffering in human existence, connection between creativity and substance abuse Research Paper Rubric Excellent 10 pts Good Job 9 pts OK 8 pts Need for Review 7 pts Not Passing 6 pts Format 10 pts Outline, Intro, Body, Conclusion, Works Cited Excellent This assignment contains all of the following, in the correct order and in the correct format: Outline, 1200 to 3000 words, Works Cited Good Job This assignment contains all of the following, in the correct order, but maybe one or two are not in the correct format: Outline, 1200 to 3000 words, Works Cited OK This assignment contains all of the following, maybe not in the correct order, or maybe one or two are not in the correct format: Outline, 1200 to 3000 words, Works Cited Need for Review This assignment contains most of the following, maybe not in the correct order, or maybe one or two are not in the correct format: Outline, 1000 words or less, Works Cited Not Passing This assignment is missing one or more of the following, maybe not in the correct order, or maybe one or two are not in the correct format: Outline, 1000 words or less, Works Cited Citations 10 pts Correct uses of in-text and works cited page Excellent This assignment contains the minimum five in-text citations with the correct format. Only sources from school database or library are used–no Wikipedia sources. The works cited page is also included in the correct MLA format. Good Job This assignment contains the minimum five in-text citations with the correct format more times than not. Only sources from school database or library are used–no Wikipedia sources. The works cited page is also included in the correct MLA format. OK This assignment contains the minimum five in-text citations with the correct format more times than not. Mostly sources from school database or library are used–maybe one Wikipedia source.The works cited page is also included in the correct MLA format, maybe with an error or two. Need for Review This assignment maybe missing one or more of the five in-text citations with the correct format most of the time. Not enough sources from school database and library–Wikipedia sources are used. The works cited page is also included in the correct MLA format but may contain errors. Not Passing This assignment maybe missing one or more of the five in-text citations with the correct format most of the time. No sources from school database and library–Wikipedia sources are used instead. The works cited page is missing or is not in correct MLA format. Grammar/ Mechanics 10 pts Correct use of grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. Excellent This assignment demonstrates a proficiency in basic English skills and time taken out to proofread carefully before submission. There should be no more than 6 grammar/mechanical errors Good Job This assignment demonstrates a proficiency in basic English skills and some time taken out to proofread carefully before submission. There should be no more than 8 grammar/mechanical errors OK This assignment demonstrates a need for review of basic English skills and a lack of proofreading. There should be no more than 10 grammar/mechanical errors Need for Review This assignment demonstrates a need for review of basic English skills and no proofreading. There should be no more than 12 grammar/mechanical errors Not Passing This assignment demonstrates a need for review of basic English skills and no proofreading. There should be no more than 12 grammar/mechanical errors Development 10 pts Clearly stated thesis. Addresses chosen topic Excellent This assignment has a clearly stated thesis in the introduction and body paragraphs which illustrate the supporting ideas of the chosen topic. There is also a demonstration of the ability to integrate quotes and other borrowed material, showing the connection between the ideas of the student and expert source. Good Job This assignment has an adequate thesis statement and body paragraphs which do a fairly good job of illustrating the supporting ideas of the chosen topic. There is also a demonstration of the ability to integrate quotes and other borrowed material well enough to show the connection between the ideas of the student and expert source. OK This assignment does not have an adequate thesis statement and body paragraphs do not il

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