Online Counseling & Ethics Paper

Assignment : Online Counseling & Ethics Paper <
The class assignment provides an opportunity for students to review current practices <
regarding the type, variety, and availability of online career assessments. Further, students will <
be able to evaluate and write about their opinions regarding the future of online assessment and <
how online assessments either comply or conflict with the current ACA Ethical Standards. <
Students will be asked to give their opinions regarding the value of online assessments by <
utilizing the ACA Ethical Standards for Counselors. Students will also identify and visit a <
minimum of 4 online assessments in order to have a practical basis on which to base their <
opinion. Suggested length is 7 pages for both portions of the assignment. No formal <
references required. This assignment will be submitted to the <
appropriate module on CANVAS. <
Course Assignment Overview Information <
• Course Writing Format: All assignments should be written using the 6th edition of the <
APA Publication Manual (APA, 2010). You will be deducted points if you do not read and <
follow the publication manual, particularly chapters 1 “Writing for Behavioral and Social <
Sciences” and 3 “Writing Clearly and Concisely.” APA help can also be found at the <
Purdue Owl Writing Lab which can be accessed at: <
Finally, you may always utilize the Writing Center at OU for assistance with your papers: < <
• A Note on Plagiarism: Be aware that all of your papers when put into Dropbox are <
automatically submitted to, a plagiarism database that scans your paper and <
adds it to the database to be used for future searches.<

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