On Position Papers: A position paper — as the name implies — is an essay that

On Position Papers:
A position paper — as the name implies — is an essay that presents and argues for a particular position on an issue. The objective of a position paper is to persuade a reader that an opinion is valid and should be considered. An example outline is provided below.
Position Paper 1
In this paper, you will choose *one* of the following topics and attempt to develop a well reasoned argument for you point of view.
4) From “Professional Communication” and “Professional Ethics”:
a) Should companies and/or universities allow students and/or employees to continue to
work from home and “zoom in” after the pandemic is over?
b) Do you believe that programmers should be held liable for the way that their software is used?
Structure of a Position Paper:
I. Introduction
A. Introduce the topic
B. Provide background on the topic
C. Assert your thesis
II. Counter Argument
A. Summarize the counterclaims
B. Outline your argument to the contrary
III. Your Argument
A. Assert point #1 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide support
B. Assert point #2 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide support
C. Assert point #3 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide support
IV. Conclusion
A. Restate the counter-argument and summarize your refutation.
Please Note:
There will be no source required.
The whole essay should be in 3rd person context.

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