Okay so I have 4 classes that I am taking right now for my university that are i

Okay so I have 4 classes that I am taking right now for my university that are interconnected with one another, they are Finance (FINC 300), Marketing (MKTG 300,) Management (MGMT 300), and Operations Management (INFO 300). There is a combined paper due on November 21st, in which we are to first read two case studies about the Walt Disney Company, then, after reading those case studies we have to answer the essay prompts for the combined paper. Each class has its own essay prompt, which needs to be at least 3 pages long. So since I am taking 4 courses, there needs to be a total of at least 12 pages of content (not including reference pages). So it’s essentially 4 separate 3-page essays, after each essay, there needs to be a reference page that follows.
For example:
FINC 300 Essay:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Reference Page
MKTG 300 Essay:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Reference Page
MGMT 300 Essay:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Reference Page
INFO 300 Essay:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Reference Page
Here are the steps to follow in order to complete these essays:
1) FIRST read the two Disney case studies (I will upload these files)
2) Answer each course’s essay prompt (I will upload the assignment instructions given to me by my professors) which needs to be 3 pages each, then add a reference page after each 3-page essay.
3) The case studies should not be the only references, make sure to include sources from other reliable sites and articles.
Arial Font, Size 12, Double Spaced.
I will be uploading 3 files for you guys to look at:
File 1: Disney Case Study 1
File 2: Disney Case Study 2
File 3: Assignment Instructions

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