Observe for 20 minutes each from one of the three links to observe primates. Use

Observe for 20 minutes each from one of the three links to observe primates. Use one focal (one specific primate) to follow during your 20mins observation for a total of 60 minutes. For your diary entries, you will need to write down every single thing your focal does, if it poops, tell me, if it eats, tell me, if it picks its nose, tell me. Describe its behavior in 5 sentences for each focal. For every link tell me how many primates were in the enclosure: number of males, females, juveniles.
1. Japanese Macaques
2. Spider Monkey
3. Chimps
For example:
Start 1:00pm
Focal ate leaves then ran quadrupedally on the ground, chased another primate. Pooped, scratched its cheek, then ate more leaves, etc.
End: 1:20pm

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