Objectives Participants will (Chapter 1): Understand and apply key scheduling te

Participants will (Chapter 1):
Understand and apply key scheduling terminology.
Apply the logic used to create activity networks, including predecessor and successor tasks.
Develop an activity network using Activity-on-Node (AON) technique.
Perform activity duration estimation based on the use of probabilistic estimating techniques.
Construct the critical path for a project schedule network using forward and backward passes.
Identify activity float and the manner in which it is determined.
Calculate the probability of a project finishing on time under PERT estimates.
Understand the steps that can be employed to reduce the critical path
Summary Assignments
Reading Assignment: Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Threaded Discussion: This will take place between Wed and Sat. (Directions are in the content item under Week 8)
Final Project due Sunday
Quiz due on Sunday. (Directions are in the content item under Week 8)
All content retrieved from:
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage (4th Edition) ISBN-13: 978-0133798074, ISBN-10: 0133798070

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