NCM512 Negotiation Strategies Course Background: This course is intended for stu

NCM512 Negotiation Strategies
Course Background: This course is intended for students wishing to enhance their knowledge and better their understanding of the negotiation process. It will help them understand the underlying human behavioral and substantial factors that separate two conflicting sides, and how negotiation is an attempt to bridge these differences to reach an agreed solution.
Course Overview: The NCM512 Negotiation Strategies course is a continuation and derivative of the NCM501 Foundations of Conflict Resolution Management course. In that course, we explained that negotiating is one of an array of resolution options available to managers when conflict is encountered.
If you have taken the aforementioned course, we believe the logical flow to this course is clear and evident. On the other hand, for those of you who have just joined us for this course, we have built it in a comprehensive and stand-alone way so that your understanding of negotiation and bargaining will be complete.
Negotiation occurs when two opposing sides each have their own proposed respective solutions to a conflict, and discussion must occur in an attempt to come together to reach one mutually agreed upon solution. The process of negotiation will be covered first, as will best practices for the preparation for negotiations. Collaborative processes (principled negotiations) will be introduced, to include how this may provide a better chance at achieving a “win-win” outcome to resolve a conflict.
The factors that play a part in the negotiation process will be examined, and we will explore and critically apply this information to our lives and to real-world scenarios. Our own intricacies of self will be examined, as we pause to reflect on how these can (and likely will) affect our own personal negotiating style. By the end of the session, the course will attempt to guide you through the start-to-finish negotiation process, from the initial “two” to (hopefully) the final “one.” The course closes with an explanation of BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) as an option of preparedness to walk away if negotiations fail.
The overall goals of this course for our students are:
• To gain the understanding of the fundamental principles and applications of the negotiation process; and
• To enhance their abilities as individuals and managers to effectively implement a negotiating approach when confronted with conflict.
In this final Module, we introduce the method of “principled negotiation.” This term was first introduced in the well-known 1981 conflict resolution text “Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In” by Roger Fisher and William Ury (highly recommend this as down-time reading!).
Several editions later, principled negotiation in still included in the text, for good reason. Fisher and Ury contend that the vast majority of conflicts can be resolved with principled negotiation, and they reject the notion that some conflicts are win-lose – and that positional bargaining is a better method to use.
The method of principled negotiation (examined in this Module’s Case), which advocates both collaboration and cooperation, is another process to be aware of in best preparing yourself to negotiate. The case will challenge you to specifically apply principled negotiation to a workplace conflict, and our discussion will close the course by considering what to do when negotiations fail.
A positive outcome isn’t promised in negotiations, and we need to have a conscious awareness of when it is best to walk away. BATNA (the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) can be a better option if the other side refuses to negotiate, or when negotiations fail. Preparing a strong BATNA increases your negotiating power, and having this clear alternative is a must.
Module 4 Learning Objectives:
• Investigate the process and effectiveness of principled negotiation.
• Compile the specific advantages and limitations of principled negotiation.
• Apply principled negotiation to a specific conflict as a method of resolution.
• Summarize the interest and positions of each side.
• Recommend changes that may have improved the principled negotiations.
• Determine the importance of preparing a BATNA.
• Construct an example of a BATNA.
• Reflect upon and integrate course concepts.
Required Reading: – Pleas have access to your own resources, I cannot provide student login
Chapman, E., Miles, E. W., & Maurer, T. (2017). A proposed model for effective negotiation skill development. The Journal of Management Development, 36(7), 940-958. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Del Gobbo, D. (2018). The feminist negotiator’s dilemma. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 33(1), 1–63. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Sebenius, J. K. (2017). BATNAs in negotiation: Common errors and three kinds of “no.” Negotiation Journal, 33(2), 89-99. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Shachar, M. NCM512 – M4. PowerPoint Presentation (attached)
Zhang, S. and Constantinovits, M. (2016). A study of principled negotiation based on Chinese harmony thought. Brand Research in Accounting 7(1); 60-70. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Optional Reading:
Shachar, M. (2011). Conflict Resolution Management (CRM). Text Book.
Conflict Resolution Management (CRM). PowerPoint modular presentations.
Assignment Overview
Choosing a method to approach negotiations is not always easy. It is important to have an awareness of the options that exist. Sometimes, a collaborative approach is best, especially when it serves the purpose of mutual gains for both sides. In that case, other considerations and emotions must be put aside to reach the outcome that is desired.
Principled negotiation is an interest-based approach which focuses on conflict management/conflict resolution. A mutually shared outcome is sought, with the goal of “win-win” vs. “win-lose.” Both parties are encouraged to come together in a collaborative way to share and explore the deeper interests underlying their stated positions. The background readings and Case allow you to explore this method, its advantages, and its limitations.
For this Module’s Case, begin by reading the following:
Zhang, S. and Constantinovits, M. (2016). A study of principled negotiation based on Chinese harmony thought. Brand Research in Accounting 7(1); 60-70. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Once you have read the assigned background article, using this information, as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your Case assignment by answering the following:
Concisely summarize the four major points of principled negotiation.
1. How could each point be specifically applied to a workplace conflict?
2. What would make this approach most effective in a negotiation?
3. What types of negotiation would this not be advisable for?
4. Describe the advantages and the limitations in using principled negotiation – be as specific as you can in both.
Assignment Expectations
• Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
• Provide a response of 4 pages, not including title page and references
• As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you’re responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.
• Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources. Use at least three refer-ences, and a minimum of two of these from peer-reviewed sources. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see and for evaluating internet sources:
• You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations

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