Motor Learning and Motor Development (MLMD) Final Project (100 points) – Student

Motor Learning and Motor Development (MLMD) Final Project (100 points) –
Students will write an academic paper, which covers the most important concepts in
MLMD. The paper should include all of the required contents, which are:
Introduce the task (e.g., a martial arts movement, cup stacking sequence, dance
sequence, rock climbing, wrestling move, a tennis serve, etc); Develop critical
clements/cues for how to perform it correctly;
Illustrate and/ or describe the typical stages of learning that skill/task;
Communicate the type, amount, and frequency of feedback that should be given at
EACH STAGE OF LEARNING to help the learning of your skill/task;
Show how the practice experience should be structured (e.g., whole vs part,
constant vs variable practice, massed or distributed) to enhance the learning of
your task at EACH STAGE of LEARNING.
How You Will Be Graded: A quantitative rating scale will be used to evaluate the extent
to which a particular task was completed. These ratings will be performed using the
following scale:

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