Make sure that the essay is 1.5-2 pages, single space. Not citation or outside

Make sure that the essay is 1.5-2 pages, single space. Not citation or outside research is permitted. Any evidence of outside research will be considered plagiarizing. You should use the film and the power point lecture.
Important notes: 1) Ignore any instruction in the essay that refer to green book or time writing. This is an online class.
2) Make sure in the essay that as part of the evidence you analyze each one of the 5 Court cases discussed in the film and how each one advanced the NAACP agenda . Explain what each of the cases introduced and resolved and how were they different from one another. ?
3) Make sure you go over the NAACP strategy, method of recruiting clients and organizing law suits. The role of the doll experiment and social science evidence, the role of important individuals in the film, and most importantly, what is the difference between Separate and Equal, both tangibly and intangibly.
File to upload: Microsoft Word or pdf. I posted below the file for the essay question

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