M4D2: Identifying Gang Members 1 1 unread reply. 1 1 reply. This activity gives

M4D2: Identifying Gang Members
1 unread reply.
1 reply.
This activity gives you the opportunity to examine the idea that what we watch (or listen to, or in some cases read (cf.
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can lead us down paths we wouldn’t otherwise go down.
While this hasn’t been the case much with the most recent spate of active killers, it has in the past for sure. Also, The Donald suggested that violent video games might be problematic. And they likely are (cf. Grossman, The Assassination Generation).
The general idea here is whether what we see or watch causes us to become that we are watching or listening to. This is a longstanding idea, whether through film, TV, music or video games. The example here is SOA. The follow up, The Mayans (which has been renewed for a fourth season), though not as good, might result in similar ideas. Respond to the following:
The National Gang Crime Research Center says
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Sons of Anarchy (SOA) is a problem.
Tom Baker says
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that SOA gets some things right.
Peterson says
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that SOA gets it right on race. Wow!
Then there’s this
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And Bozell (who I usually like and agree with) says this
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