m‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ake sure u do exact same thing as the info ask u to do dont

m‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ake sure u do exact same thing as the info ask u to do dont write a summary we cant use any outside sources only the video and it should 250 words not more than that. use simple words it should be A well written response that demonstrates good understanding of the content of the video.most important part is watch the video and we cant use any outside sources only the video and it should 250 words not more than that. it should be A well written response that demonstrates good understanding of the content of the video and make sure you answer the questions critically analyzing the video refer back to the documentary the videos watch remember that the discussions is for you to engage with the video bring them up when you are answering the question. and make sure you watch the video and answer this question Should we stop using the term “illegal immigrants”? How can this short video, How to Be Free In An UnFree World, help us think about immigration control and management? MAKE SURE U ARE ANSWERING ALL PART OF THE QUESTIONS DONT SKIP ANYTHING! and it should understand the subject it should be more descriptive than analytical, meaning that you are only describing what happened in the videos (which is good but not enough) watch this only this nothing else explicitly engaging with the material (in this case the video) deeper analysis A way to do this is to apply what you have learnt so far (whether in readings, lectures and/or videos) to the questions at hand. You can also discuss a specific exam‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ple in depth. Moreover, although the word limit is 250 words, this is usually not enough to discuss the current topic in its fullest. I would encourage you to engage with the material as much as possible in order to write a fully substantiated response read the articles but the MOST IMPORTANT PART IS THE VIDEO explicitly engaging with the material (in this case the video) deeper analysis A way to do this is to apply what you have learnt so far (whether in readings, lectures and/or videos) to the questions at hand. You can also discuss a specific example in depth. Moreover, although the word limit is 250 words, this is usually not enough to discuss the current topic in its fullest. I would encourage you to engage with the material as much as possible in order to write a fully substantiated response read the articles but the MOST IMPORTANT PART IS THE VIDEOS critical reflections within this post, but this needed to be the main aspect of this post. keep in mind that it is important to pull in sociological thought/imagination Please follow info and make sure you are answering the topic and u are not summarizing and not out of the topic, and make sure u folllow the info that i send and make sure u bring up the video.. go into in depth analysis video make sure u are answering the both part of the questions name of the videos TED/Actions are Illegal, Never PeopleLinks to an external site. and How to be Free in an Unfree World

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