Lord of the Flies by William Golding. The topic of the essay is how Lord of the Flies can be related to an event or events of history since the time of its writing.

Write an essay about Lord of the Flies by William Golding. The topic of the essay is how Lord of the Flies can be related to an event or events of history since the time of its writing. The essay should have one quote from Lord of the Flies per paragraph from Lord of the Flies, and one quote from a reputable resource for every paragraph that is relating the real world event to the book. The paper should be structured as follows<
Intro, including a statement of claim at the end<
Summary of Lord of the Flies<
Summary of event or events connecting to Lord of the Flies<
History surrounding Lord of the Flies (with quote from Lord of the Flies that connects to topic)<
History surrounding Lord of the Flies connecting topic or topics (with quote from reliable outside source or database)<
Following this:<
For every paragraph featuring an example from Lord of the Flies, a quote from Lord of the Flies should be used. <
For every paragraph featuring a real world example that ties to Lord of the Flies, they should be a quote from a credible outside source or database.<
Every Lord of the Flies body paragraph, there should be one corresponding paragraph with a related real world historical or modern example.<
After this, a conclusion beginning with the restatement of claim from the intro should be written.<
The paper and its citations should all be in MLA format, the works cited page does not count toward the page length<

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