Learning Goal: I’m working on a operating systems project and need a sample draf

Learning Goal: I’m working on a operating systems project and need a sample draft to help me learn.The programming assignments for this class have several objectives in mind.
You are required to do the programming assignments using the C/C++ language. C and C++ are widely used for system programming tasks, such
as building operating systems software, and other low level computing tasks
that require good performance. This programming assignment also acts
as a review for several topics. In this assignment you need to use a simple
queue data structure to perform the assigned task. You are required to implement your queue using C++ standard template library (STL) data types.
So we will be reviewing or introducing you to using STL library types for
programming. And finally, this assignment will introduce you to the structure and format of programming assignments for this class. The assignments
for this class take the form of terminal based simulations. We make use of
command line parameters in order to specify options and inputs. Most of
the assignments after this first ones are implementations of simulations of
various aspects of operating system functions, such as memory management
or process scheduling.
In this assignment, you are to implement a simple simulation that
supports a stack and a queue of items being either enqueued and dequeued
(onto the queue) or pushed and popped (onto the stack). You are required
to use STL data structures to implement and create the stack and queue
for your program. There are several tutorials and references for the C++
STL library listed in our class website. I tend to use the following site as a
reference for the STL container data types:
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/ The input file for this simulation will simply be a list of operations to
perform on either a stack or a queue. For example:
—– testfile1.tst ——– enqueue 5
enqueue 7
push blooper push rookie dequeue
push demerits
enqueue 3
enqueue 8
push showplace enqueue 9 dequeue pop dequeue
push palmetto
push zebra pop
push collapse
dequeue dequeue
enqueue 2 enqueue 4 push penguins
push sleeping
Requirements: as needed   |   .doc file | C++

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