Learning Goal: I’m working on a nutrition writing question and need an explanati

Learning Goal: I’m working on a nutrition writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.NOTE ALL WORK SHOULD NOT BE FROM ANYWHERE (All the answers represent your own opinions and knowledge about healthy nutrition.) (all the work on this test must be your own)Q-1 The Dietary Guidelines for Americans outlines six components that contribute to a healthy eating pattern. Each component is associated with a decreased risk for the chronic diseases associated with dietary intake. For example, the Guidelines recommend fruits, especially whole fruits. (see below)Identify the other five recommendations, and give at least one way in which following the recommendation could reduce our risk for chronic disease.Example: Fruits, especially whole fruits – whole fruits are recommended because they add fiber to our diets. Fiber helps reduce our risk of colon cancer._________________________Q-2 The energy in foods that are classified as macronutrients is measured in terms of calories. A calorie is a unit of energy. The concept of “proportionality” suggests that a certain percentage of total calories we take in each day should come from each of the three macronutrients. This percentage is recommended to ensure “protein sparing”. What are the percentages of calories recommended for each of the macronutrients? In your discussion, be sure to define “protein sparing”, and explain why maintaining proportionality is important in terms of our nutritional health._________________________Q-3Nutrients are grouped into six broad classes: fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. Within these broad categories, we have learned, through research, that some nutrients within each broad category may need to be limited in our diet because they are associated with a greater risk for developing one or more of the chronic diseases associated with dietary intake. Identify three of these nutrients, and explain why we should limit our intake of each._________________________Q-4John, a 48 year old accountant, exhibits all the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. List the five symptoms that characterize metabolic syndrome. _________________________Q-5 Mary is 45, weighs 150 lbs, and is 5′ 6″ tall. At her last physical exam, her total cholesterol level was 300 mg/dl., with HDL of 25 and LDL of 150. If you were Mary’s physician, what standards would you use to assess her numbers? What recommendations would you make to help her reach this goal? In your answer, give at least two recommendations for nutritional intake and one for exercise. Do NOT prescribe medication._________________________Q-6Throughout this course, we have tried to emphasize the importance of meeting nutritional needs through a healthy diet, rather than through the use of supplements. Exceptions are made when individuals may need certain nutrients in greater amounts than those found in one’s normal diet – for example, during pregnancy, or when a specific nutrient deficiency is diagnosed by a physician.Let’s apply this concept with regards to protein supplementation.Dan is a healthy, moderately active, 6 ft., 200 lb. male, whose recommended total caloric intake is 2000 calories a day. He goes to the gym three times a week and concentrates primarily on free weights and a few weight training machines. The trainer at his gym has recommended that he take a daily protein shake which supplies 250 grams of protein to enhance his strength training workouts. Based on what you know, answer the following question:Based on the Guidelines for proportionality of the macronutrients, what is the range of calories of high quality protein should Dan try to consume a day? Between _____________ and _____________.
Dan goes to his favorite restaurant and has a 6-oz steak. It contains 125 grams of protein. How many calories of protein has Dan consumed? _____________
Based on your calculations, if this is the only protein food Dan consumes that day, has he met his minimum protein requirements? ? _________Yes __________ No
Would you recommend he take the protein shake recommended by his trainer? Yes _____________ No ___________________ Briefly explain your answer.
_________________________Q-7The word “calorie” is defined as a unit of energy. It is simply a unit for measuring the amount of energy in a food, just as the inch is a unit for measuring linear distance. To show your understanding of this concept, answer the following questions:Briefly explain the difference between a food that is considered nutrient dense and one that is considered energy dense, and give an example of each.
What kinds of,energy dense foods are considered less healthy than nutrient dense foods? Why?
Under what circumstances in your life would applying the concept of nutrient density be of special importance
_________________________Q-8In a short paragraph, state what you think was the most important concept you learned this semester. Briefly explain how you will apply that information to protect your own nutritional health in the future.(you can talk about how counting my calories is important and tracking my food the professor spoke about it a lot and Im diabetic as well)_________________________
Requirements: 1 PA

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