Learning Goal: I’m working on a music project and need an explanation and answer

Learning Goal: I’m working on a music project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Produce a 1-3 minute audio track (original music, mashup, remix, etc.), podcast, or instructional video (YouTube-style) that relates in some way to the blues and the course content. You could answer one of the above prompts in a multi-media fashion, or create something new, but it must connect to the course material. If you choose this option please upload your audio/visual files as an “additional upload.” and in your uploaded exam please include a brief description (approximately 100 words) of your creative project and the work you did. If you have questions, you may wish to run your idea first by your TA or instructor. Work will be evaluated based on level of effort, engagement, and relevance, not on technical sophistication.

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