Learning Goal: I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.Purpose of the Assignment:The assignment is designed to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained from the course to discuss the range of decisions to be taken, examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision making, assess internal and external sources of information and understanding and suggest recommendations for improvement.Focusing on a company that you are familiar with, using examples from your own work experience where possible and applying your knowledge on the subject, please attempt answering the following 2 questions:1. Critically appraise how information and knowledge contribute to your chosen organization’s strategy by supporting it in THREE (3) important ways. Clearly identify examples of both information and knowledge in your answer. You need to remember that the challenge for a business is to capture and use information that is relevant and reliable. Please use at least one Knowledge Management model in your answer.2. What are the internal and external sources of information and data management available for your case company? Please provide specific examples of knowledge discovery, knowledge capture, knowledge sharing and knowledge applications.Credit will be given for evidence of:- Library/Internet based research. Try to use a mixture of resources – books, articles as well as the internet.- Understanding of the issues raised by the questions.- Concise and clear structure. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not your own using the Harvard system. Include a list of references.- Originality and a critical and questioning approach. It is important to be objective and to support statements with evidence.The rubrics below provide additional information on how your work on all Tasks will be marked.

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