Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need guidance to

Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.This is the 3rd and final analysis of your personal investment portfolio. Please present this as a write up using Word or equivalent, effectively this is a 3 month review of your portfolio positions, performance, and your analysis on the goods and bads of your portfolio versus the S&P 500, the most prominent equity index that investors could invest in at a very low cost. Please be direct and candid about what worked well and not so well. The write up and tables should be limited to no more than 2 pages. Whether you outperformed or underperformed makes no difference to the grading. We are focused on the process. In your write up include the following:1) A final portfolio as of end of day Friday, Novermber 19, included as a table in the write up. This is the Friday before Thanksgiving week.2) A very brief explanation why each investment was selected. Include a P/E or some other valuation metric, and one credit metric (eg net debt to EBITDA).3) A graph that shows your cumulative performance on one line and the S&P 500 performance in the other. We should be able to see the cumulative difference in your portfolio performance versus the S&P 500 over the full 3 month period.4) Explanation of why your portfolio did well or poorly over the fall semester (eg My portfolio performed well because Amazon was a 25% weight and it was up 30%). Whether you outperformed or underperformed makes no difference to the grading.

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