Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft

Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Please write a one page NIH Specific Aims document that explains the work done in the journal article titled “Joint disease-specificity at the regulatory base-pair
level” by Muthuirulan et al., 2021. Use the data discussed in the paper to write out 3 specific aims that examine the central hypothesis. Attached below is a sample NIH specific aims that should be used as a model for the format, the journal article, and a helpful resource for writing a specific aims page. The correct format is Arial, 11 pt. font, 0.5 margins on all sides, single spaced. Please cite all sources in APA format. The specific aims page does not need to include a figure/ diagram.
Requirements: 1 page

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