Kindly find the guidelines and required deliverables: 1. 3000 words report on an

Kindly find the guidelines and required deliverables:
1. 3000 words report on analysis of IBM HR Analytics Employee Attrition & Performance open dataset to download from the link below:
The report will be structured as the following:
• Identification and Description of Key Challenge(s) or Problem(s) to be addressed.
• Introduction to the Dataset
• The Challenge(s)/Problem(s) is (are) to be Addressed Using:
o Summary statistics (including figures) for data being analyzed.
o Description, rationale, application, and findings from one unsupervised analysis method.
o Description, rationale, application, and findings from one supervised analysis method.
• Reflection on Methods Used for Analysis.
• Structure Presentation, and Proper Citation of References.
Please see the word file Detailed Instructions and PDF Sample Graded as A+.
2. Coding that you have written. Please make sure that the file is well written and well documented. The file should be in py extension (see PDF Python Labs)
Thank you.

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