JUST A LITTLE SIDE NOTES ABOUT ME: PLEASE write/create the assignment to sound

JUST A LITTLE SIDE NOTES ABOUT ME: PLEASE write/create the assignment to sound as you are ME and, from my perspective as a Christian with a Christian worldview and beliefs in a Christian school. This is urgent. Please keep in mind that I have a 4.0 and need assignments that resemble that for my university. Thank you for your help because your help allows me to use my time to care more for my father and my children during a trialing time in our life right now, your urgency would be greatly appreciated…………………………. This is for a Sociology class called Marriage and Family, Christian worldview perspective.
MY PROFESSOR SAID: “We continue to draw from our Kostenberger textbook. Chapter 7 covers singleness in its many facets, such as single parenting, living as a divorcee, etc.”
ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS: (A.) READ chapter 9 [WRITER: the chapters for you to read will be provided in the attached files]. . . .(B.)Prepare to discuss one of the following sections. Give your thoughts and take-aways as you do so: (1.)Toward a Biblical Theology of Singleness or
(2.)Issues Involved in Singleness or
(3.)Singleness as it Pertains to Particular Groups. . . . . . .
***Please cite in-text, reference page, titles of each section. Be sure to include information from appropriate texts with proper citations. This is the course book Reference: Köstenberger, A. J., & Jones, D. W. (2010). God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation (2nd ed.). Wheaton, IL: Crossway. The book is added in the attached files.
Write a 275+ word post addressing the points above. Be sure to include information from appropriate texts with proper citations.

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