its for a dentistry (oral surgery) degree MATERIAL AND METHOD Literature review

its for a dentistry (oral surgery) degree
Literature review should be based on articles published in PubMed-Medline-Ebsco (
Articles will be searched by entering Keywords in English in the search box, related to the topic of the work.
A minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 articles, which have been published in the last 10 years, must be used.
– Extension: between 10 and 20 pages on one side, with 30 lines per page. Times New Roman font of 12 points -or equivalent-. Justified text.
– Structure:
Abstract (150-300 words).
Keywords (between 3 and 5).
Main text: Introduction, Objectives, Material and method, results and discussion. Bibliography.
– Tables and figures: if tables and/or figures are included, they must be accompanied by a title. In addition, the bibliographic reference must be specified if they come from an article.
– Bibliography:
Vancouver rules must be followed:
In the text: Sand will identify in thetext numbering them correlatively in order of appearance (with numbers in parentheses). When there are 3 or more consecutive references (e.g., 1, 2, 3), they must be separated by a hyphen (1-3).

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