INTRUCTIONS – PLEASE USED THE ARTICLE UPLOADED BELOW Content TITLE SLIDE. Include Title of the presentation, Authors, Affiliations · INTRODUCTION. The first 1 or 2 slides should introduce the subject to the audience. Briefly (you only have 20 minutes) give a concise background.Explicitly state the question(s) addressed in the paper. Start with the “big picture” and then address how the paper fits in the big picture. State your major conclusions. A key difference of a talk versus a paper is that you should state your major conclusion(s) up front. · METHODS. There should be 1 or 2 methods slides that allow the audience to understand how the experiment was conducted. You might include a flow chart describing the experiment. Do not put in details that might be appropriate in writing a paper. For example, “the biophysical properties of N + RNA condensates were examined by fluorescence ……” NOT: For immunofluorescence, U2OS cells were cultured on eight-well chamber slides (iBidi, 80827) in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and Antibiotic–Antimycotic (Thermofisher, 15240062). After treatments of the cells as indicated, cells were fixed with 4% PFA in PBS and permeabilized with 0.2% Triton X-100…….” · RESULTS. Show figures that clearly illustrate the major results. All figures should be clearly labeled. When showing figures, be sure to explain the figure axes before you talk about the data (e.g., “the X axis shows time. The Yaxis shows relative fluorescence”). · DISCUSSION (Conclusions). List the conclusions in clear, easy to understand language. Also, orally give one or two sentences about what this means (your interpretation) in the big picture and some future directions. · CRITIQUE. End your presentation with at least two or three major things for further discussion. These should consist of items like: what might be improved in the study, additional experiments that you think might be appropriate (better?), and general issues about importance of the paper. You are preparing the audience for questions and discussion. · Provide citations for all material that is not your original contribution. Presentation · Control for time, no more slides than the minutes allowed for the presentation (e.g. 20 slides for a 20 minute presentation), butless is better! · Avoid jargon · Construct all slides in “landscape” orientation · Slides should have large fonts and minimal clutter. Do not use transition fades, bouncing text, or swooshing noises · Use sans serif fonts (Arial, Helvetica, andCalibri) · Use the approach “What are you going to tell them, tell them, and the tell them what you told them”

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