Instructions Note: You must sign up for your presentation by the posted due date

Note: You must sign up for your presentation by the posted due date. Your instructor will use this page to enter your score.
You will need to sign up for the module you intend to present your social justice assignment in place of your regular video discussion post. On the course groups page (Link will open in new tab.), enroll in the “Social Justice Presentation” group that corresponds with the module in which you intend to present. There are a limited number of spots for each module in order to spread out the presentations.
The Wurzweiler School of Social Work believes that understanding the challenging issues of social justice is a critical part of learning for all MSW students and is woven throughout the curriculum at WSSW. To further enhance this understanding, we ask you to complete the Social Justice Assignment. This assignment is a great opportunity for the class to gain a deeper understanding of the social justice issues that are prevalent in social work settings with vulnerable populations.
For this assignment, you will identify and discuss with your field instructor a social justice issue impacting clients at your field agency during the first semester of placement. You are expected to brainstorm/discuss with your field instructor how you would begin to address this issue if you were employed in this particular setting and had the time that it takes to make changes within organizations or communities to minimize and/or eliminate social injustice. You will also access The Heights in your course to help your brainstorming activity by reviewing the available resources.
Each student will present a video presentation between 15–20 minutes in length on the selected social justice topic of your choice. You will post your presentation just as you do for your bi-weekly video assignments, only this will take the place of your video for that week.
Because this video is much longer than your other multimedia posts, you are strongly recommended to record the video using Zoom and host it on YouTube or Google Drive (double check your sharing settings) and share a link to your presentation. Recording directly into Canvas, or uploading your video, could create technical issues due to the large file size.
Video Presentation Guidelines
Videos must be 15–20 minutes in length, so be organized! Feel free to use music, props, charts, etc. It is your project, so be as creative as you’d like. Remember, you want to educate and inform your audience, but also keep their attention.
Please answer the following questions in your presentation:
Define your issue. How does it impact your clients?
How did you become aware of the issue?
How did you assess the issue? Did you interview clients? Staff? Community? Research laws? Literature reviews?
Who did you involve?
What are your recommendations for change?
Do you have a strategy for change?
What did you find in The Heights that you wish your community had? What do you think could enhance The Heights? Is anything missing?

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