Instruction for the Outline: Week 12 – Assignment B – Outline for Researched Arg

Instruction for the Outline:
Week 12 – Assignment B – Outline for Researched Argument
Outline Using Sample Outline Structure and Responses to Questions for Writing Project 3 – Researched Argument 
Use the attached Sample Outline structure and Responses to Questions below to create an outline for Writing Project 3 – Researched Argument.
In this assignment, you will be writing an outline of your entire researched argument. This is not a rough draft; rather it is your entire essa’y in a “snapshot.”  You may choose what form to use for this assignment; bulleted points tend to work well (think note-taking). Information to include would be:
Your introduction: How will you draw your reader into your argument (hook)? What is your thesis statement? Make sure to include your position/proposal as well as an introduction (just a general taste, in this case) of your argument’s counter-argument.
Your main body of work: What is your argument? What specific questions will you be answering in this pape’r? What sources are you using to substantiate your claims? What is the counter-argument? What sources are you using to substantiate your counter-claims? How will you challenge/rebut the counter-argument? What sources will you use to do this?
Your conclusion: Remind the audience briefly of your original argument and the challenges put to it. What do your propose to do to fix the problem if you argue that there is one to fix? Or, if you are taking a stand on an issue, why is it not acceptable to stand against your position?
Instructions for the Essa’y:
Week 13 – Assignment A – Writing Project #3 – Researched Argument First Draft
Be sure this is a complete essa’y meeting all of the guidelines in the prompt posted on our course homepage. This means including writing about the sources you are using. This also means meeting the full page count. This also means including your MLA formatted Works Cited Page. 
If you write and turn in this complete First Draft, including all mentioned above, you will receive 100% on this assignment. If you don’t, you’ll receive a 0 on this assignment.
I won’t give you feedback on your essa’y until you’ve turned in at least a Second Draft which will be due the following week. The Second Draft is where I’ll assess the quality of your writing. I explained this in the syllabus.
You will be giving each other Peer Reviews on this draft before revising it for the Second Draft which I will give you feedback on.

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