Initial Response: Your initial response will incorporate two parts. Part I is to

Initial Response:
Your initial response will incorporate two parts. Part I is to create an “object label” explaining the practice of blood offerings and human sacrifices through Mayan Relief “Lintel 24” Download Mayan Relief “Lintel 24”. Object labels should be no longer than 200 words and need to inform the general public about the historical importance (or significance) of an object in a museum.
Your object label should:
-Incorporate content from this week’s course documents
-Explain sacrifice as part of Mesoamerican religious practices
-Provide context (when–dates, where–locations, etc.) for blood offerings
-Identify a broader historical significance about blood offerings and indigenous American society
Part II Pose a question for your classmates about the letter Hernan Cortes Download letter Hernan Corteswrote to Charles V. Explore how/if this can be used to shape our understanding of Aztec religious practices.

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